Welcome to Sling

Please log in using your Microsoft Azure account.

Go to Microsoft authentication

Please log in by entering your email address and the access code from our Outlook add-in.

Generating an access code

Please follow the instructions below to generate an access code to log in here:

  1. Click the Contacts from SlingContacts from Sling button. This will open the Sling add-in.
  2. Once the add-in is successfully loaded, click your avatar image in the top-right (this is a circular graphic that may be your photograph or your initials).
  3. Click the Generate an access code button.
  4. Copy access code and paste it into the input field on this page.

Don't have the Outlook add-in yet?

Please follow the instructions below to install the Outlook add-in:

  1. In Outlook, click Get Add-ins from the Home tab on the ribbon.
  2. From the Add-Ins dialog, click My add-ins
  3. Look for the Custom add-ins section. Click the Add a custom add-in link.
  4. Click the Add from URL… link
  5. Paste the following URL into the text box https://onsling.com/outlook/getaddin. Accept all prompts during the installation.